Training mentor, coach for trainers and facilitators




10 лет выстраивала системы развития персонала в международных компаниях. За это время запустила более 10 программ онбординга и обучения для сотрудников HQ METRO и коммерческой команды CHANEL.

Создала 3 онлайн-школы, самая масштабная с ЦА 4500 сотрудников получила премию «Best Employer of the Year». Провела больше 1000 часов фасилитаций и тренингов как самостоятельно, так и силами команды из 5 тренеров, которых обучила с «0».

Помогла многим менеджерам в проведении воркшопов и встреч команд, направленных на разработку стратегии, поиск решений, создание экшн-планов.

В качестве приглашенного спикера вела воркшопы для 100+ представителей «YouLead». Делилась кейсами диджитал-инструментов в адаптации на конференции «Люди и коммуникации». Рассказывала про опыт управления эффективностью в «Школе управления». В сотрудничестве с 8 экспертами из сферы современного искусства, арт-бизнеса и бизнес-консалтинга создала образовательный курс «Арт-менеджмент: управление проектами в современном искусстве».




The methodology of creating training programs


The methodology of creating training programs


The methodology of creating training programs


Training for trainers

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Training for trainers

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Training for trainers

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Digital training

Boutique Training

Digital training

Boutique Training

Digital training

Boutique Training

Facilitation of meetings


Facilitation of meetings


Facilitation of meetings


Методология GTD


Методология GTD


Методология GTD





I help ambitious leaders, training managers, experts, coaches, and facilitators conduct effective team meetings, create training programs, and workshops that promote the growth of employees and businesses.

I help ambitious leaders, training managers, experts, coaches, and facilitators conduct effective team meetings, create training programs, and workshops that promote the growth of employees and businesses.

my approach

my approach




The problem-oriented approach is based on a clearly defined problem, and the goal of the event is to find its solution.

The problem-oriented approach is based on a clearly defined problem, and the goal of the event is to find its solution.

The problem-oriented approach is based on a clearly defined problem, and the goal of the event is to find its solution.




The potential of the group lies in the fact that the participants themselves become the heroes of the events and actively engage in finding solutions to the problem.

The potential of the group lies in the fact that the participants themselves become the heroes of the events and actively engage in finding solutions to the problem.

The potential of the group lies in the fact that the participants themselves become the heroes of the events and actively engage in finding solutions to the problem.